Pretense is stressful and it has no place in a good life.
Second thoughts
By ore
We Cannot Own People
You are not property, neither am I. No one is.
Am I Enough For Myself?
We don’t always need people to fill our life’s spaces.
Fever Thoughts (Or The Good Thing About Falling Sick)
When you’re flattened on your bed like a plastic bottle that has been in a road accident with a tanker, you see things quite differently.
Second-Place Winners
They reject homophobia and the notion that being vulnerable, sensitive or soft is “not a guy thing.”
The Blindside Of Privilege
Not having drives us to never define ‘enough’ in personal terms and sets us on a dangerous path marked by an insatiable appetite.
Style Your Adulthood
The weight of expectations is a terrible thing that keeps one up at night like an alarm clock that cannot be silenced.
Notes For A New Day
Reminders, mantras and kindling for personal revolutions.
The Reuse Manifesto
A second life can be a pretty meaningful existence, even for the environment.
Breaking Busyness
Maybe you’re addicted to always doing something. I’m right there with you. Here’s what I’m doing to stop myself.