The more unrealistic the bar we set for ourselves, the greater the disappointment when we fail.
Second thoughts
From Life Lessons
Price Tag
Don’t get caught up in the pursuit of security.
We Used To Be Close
It’s okay to admit that we’re just acquaintances now.
Love Is Explainable
But are we ready to wake up?
12+ Lessons From Another Year Of Work
The perks of experience are endless.
Fever Thoughts (Or The Good Thing About Falling Sick)
When you’re flattened on your bed like a plastic bottle that has been in a road accident with a tanker, you see things quite differently.
The Blindside Of Privilege
Not having drives us to never define ‘enough’ in personal terms and sets us on a dangerous path marked by an insatiable appetite.
Style Your Adulthood
The weight of expectations is a terrible thing that keeps one up at night like an alarm clock that cannot be silenced.
Self-Care Is A Trip To The Dentist
I showed up because I had a toothache, and there’s everything wrong with that. “What have you been doing to your teeth?” Um… well. If I had cared more about my mouth (which is really just caring about myself) earlier, I’d have gotten a dental check-up twice a year. A check-up would have shown that I…
A Letter To Myself At 30
Are you ready to start over? You must reconsider who you are and what you believe in, because everything you know about yourself is about to be challenged. I know your introversion, what it has saved you from, the hours spent alone and well spent probing the deepest parts of your heart to learn what defines and unmakes you. Flip the strength and you will find a strong weakness: the aloofness that stands between you and your calling to reach people, not to be known but to help them know how uninhibited and beautiful life can be. You will break…